- Amy M. (1837-1880)
- James Leslie (1839-1911)
- George Henry (1839-)
- Annie W. (1842-1913)
- Amos D: (1846-1925)
- Harriet (1850)
Her mother Rebecca was the daughter of Isaac De Groff (Garrett Staley's great-grandfather) and Amy Hogaboom; Rebecca would have been 37 at Mary's birth - I have wondered if in fact Amy M. was her mother - but I digress -
The family is listed in the 1855 New York Census in Florida, Montgomery County New York thru state and federal censuses until 1875.
I suspect Mary married Garrett Staley De Graff in or around 1879.
** seeking marriage certificate
The couple is listed in the 1880 US Federal Census, in Florida living with Garrett's parents, William and Rachel Ann De Graff and Garrett's brother, Charles.
Mary died 5 February of 1892. Mary M. Fuller, "wife of Garet S" is buried in Chuctabnunda Cemetery in Minavaille, New York. She is buried with Cora De Groff (listed as her adopted daughter with Garrett).
** records of adoption were not kept consistently for some time - I find no documentation of a formal adoption
Cora died a week after her mother, on the 14 of February, 1892. It must have a sad Garrett Staley who answered the New York Census takers on the 16th of February in 1892 - he was back living with his parents on their farm in Minaville after having buried Mary and Cora.
** records of adoption were not kept consistently for some time - I find no documentation of a formal adoption
Cora died a week after her mother, on the 14 of February, 1892. It must have a sad Garrett Staley who answered the New York Census takers on the 16th of February in 1892 - he was back living with his parents on their farm in Minaville after having buried Mary and Cora.
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